BET-41818 Fiberpro Enzyme deodorizer Organic stain remover and deodorizer 12 qt/cs

BET-41818 Fiberpro Enzyme
deodorizer Organic stain
remover and deodorizer 12

Product #: BET-41818

Volume: 0.44
Weight: 14


This product contains liquid bacteria which digest odor causes at their source. Completely removes odors from vomit, blood, urine, smoke, pet odors and more. Specialized liquid bacteria produce enzymes which eliminate the source of the odors, and the bacteria continue producing enzymes until the source is eliminated. Special O3Z malodor counteractants prove instantaneous neutralization of odors and leave a pleasant fragrance. This product can be used as a performance booster in cleaning and pre-spray applications. Powerful enzyme action helps break down oily materials quickly and assists in deodorizing the surface being cleaned. •Eliminates persistent odors from vomit, blood, urine, smoke, and pet stains. •Pleasant country-fresh fragrance. •Versatile. •For use alone or in combination with cleaners for improved performance and added deodorization.