Tork Xpressnap Signature Counter Napkin Dispenser - color Stainless

Tork Xpressnap Signature
Counter Napkin Dispenser  -
color Stainless

Product #: SCA-643500


Tork Xpressnap® Counter Top system greatly increases personal hygiene and cuts waste by delivering one napkin at a time, every time. Its one-at-a-time napkin dispensing design ensures that patrons use fewer napkins and touch only the napkin they use. The Counter dispenser holds up to 500 napkins. The unique AD-a-Glance message panel can be used for in-store promotions or to generate advertising revenue. First introduced in 2003, the Xpressnap® system has taken the foodservice industry by storm and has earned international recognition for innovation and excellence. Also available in Black 6432000, Gray 6434000 and Red 6436000.